23 Frostfall 1173
Shieldbearer: Toribio
Dramatis Personae
Rod Anderson: Morlock Bloodblade: f1
Richard Guy: Skree the Bonewoman: f3
Jason Biggins: Khao Cyztlic: m1
Eeri: Radomir: f1
Henchemen and Hirelings
Brownmen from the CAVES:
Umlaut: F1
Zentatos: M1
Shieldbearer: Toribio
Torchbearer: Jello
On a mission from TAG, the Chief of the combined Redman and Orangeman tribes, our adventurers venture forth to slay the crazy old cyborg who lives in the cave a few hundred yards to the west.
Before they can enter they are attacked by a green and dolm colored shew of unusual size, driven mad by hunger
At the entrance they were confronted with a devious mutation trap that leaves one of them covered in thorns and the other with outwardly closing hands before they are able to overcome the trap (A mutation ray attached to a sensor) with a blanket.
Just inside, they are confronted by half-mechanical bats (called Stirges) and servitor robots simultaneously. The party dispatches both quite handily and they gain 500sp worth of parts.
Once in the cave proper, the walls change from natural stone to polished metal. Confronted by both a laser trap and a crystal circuit man, the party uses the trap to obliterate the automaton.
Some radiation confuses the sense, so the party is unsure where the power room they find is, but they decide to leave the grey and green power tubes, the central core, the control panel and the irising door alone and return with their booty.
On the way back they are ambushed by 6 cyborg bears who tear two brownman hirelings to pieces. the party quickly escapes and the bears do not pursue into the open.
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