Saturday, October 13, 2012

This Post CC-BY-SA

This week there were a lot of shares on G+ of material that is either going into the public domain like Kevin Crawford's Spears of the Dawn African influenced setting for Stars Without Number/Labyrinth Lord and Jack Logan's public domain D&D art or are licensed under a Creative Commons License like the SCP Series.

What's that mean?  It means you get to have great stuff like this print from Joseph Gandy appear in your own modules:

It means that when you need an african themed picture for your next culture you've created in your game, you can pull from what Kevin has (willun-be, for the Hitchhikers among us) given to us via Spears.

It means that when you need a super creepy artifact for your next game, hopping over to SCP gives you this:

SCP-057 The Daily Grind
rating: +58+x
Item #: SCP-057
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: Site-57 has been constructed to facilitate SCP-057 as relocation is not feasible. It is highly improbable that any outside knowledge of SCP-057 exists based on the circumstances of its discovery and thus security is of minimal concern. No containment procedures are required other than the prevention of unauthorized access. All research is to be delegated to Dr. Lewis and Dr. Walston unless further specified by O5 Command.
Due to the irretrievability of those placed inside SCP-057, access will be granted with the approval of Site Director █████████ and no less than two (2) members of O5 Council.
Description: SCP-057 is a subterranean stone chamber with an approximate cylindrical height of three (3) meters and diameter of eighteen (18) meters. Inside the chamber are dozens of parallelepiped stone monoliths extending from floor to ceiling which slide in various directions while SCP-057 is active. It was discovered several meters below ███████ on ██/██/████ during the construction of a secure containment enclosure for SCP-███. Consequently, SCP-███ was assigned an alternate location at Site-██.
An entrance to the chamber is located on the north-east side. When a human enters SCP-057, the door shuts and the walls inside the chamber move in such a way as to create a “path” requiring the subject's constant attention to maintain a safe course through the artifact. The path is slowly opened and closed by the moving monoliths until the human either surrenders or at last collapses of exhaustion, at which time SCP-057 crushes them and reverts to its original, inactive state. This process lasts only as long as the human inside SCP-057 is alive and can take days if necessary. All testing on animals, machines, or cadavers has proven futile. Only a living, breathing human being is able to initiate the “grinding” process upon entering SCP-057.
What does the public domain and copy-left like CC-BY-SA do for us?  It gives us options.  It gives us the ability to use others' ideas in ways that fit our unique circumstances.

That can only be a good thing.  

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Obsidian Ossifrage

An Obsidian Ossifrage is an Elemental creature from the domain of Th'lloth, the Ascending Crystal Tyrant.  Made of razor sharp obsidian that glows with an inner heat, the obsidian ossifrage is native to the Molten Heath, a region close to the igneous domain of Kjolunvar, the Slave of Granite and Starmetal.

The ossifrage's body is ovoid and generally 2m along the largest axis, though larger and smaller examples are known.  It stands upon two spindly legs that end in clawed toes.  A long neck extends from the front of the body and ends in a beak.  There does not appear to be a head.  The sides of the creature are composed of a writhing mass of tentacles.  At night, the body of the ossifrage glows softly with radiant heat. 

The tentacles are capable of capturing a man-sized creature and holding it tight to the blisteringly hot body while the neck beak pecks mercilessly at its victim.  Creatures held that are immune to natural heat will still take damage from the razor-edged scales that armor the obsidian ossifrage's body.  Hard blows with blunt objects will produce great cracks in the ossifrage and they are known to run when attacked thus.  Once per day, the obsidian ossifrage can vomit up a slurry that dries almost instantly, trapping its victims in immovable stone (Save vs. breath to avoid).  Creatures trapped will have to be freed with tools (2d6 hrs, 1d4 hrs with metal tools).

When it has killed its prey, the ossifrage will tear at the body to expose the bones and consume them for the calcium within.

Immature ossifrage are called skeints and are sessile egg-shapes that slowly absorb the nutrients and minerals necessary to form the obsidian that makes up the adult form of the creature.

Anyone can summon an ossifrage, using the Ritual of Harmonic Obsidian, provided that they have the materials and sacrifices available.  The summoner must bathe for thirty minutes in a bath consisting of Salictic salts from no fewer than twenty fromahxun, prepared in the normal manner by sammic leeching.  During this time and for the remainder of a full hour, the summoner must not imbibe any liquids and must breathe shallowly, lest the summoner anger Th'lloth and be dragged down into the stony ground and left - alive - to ponder their mistake.  After completing the bath, the summoner must inscribe in the dust a containing-style ward at least as powerful as the Fourty-second Seal of Argo for the containment of the ossifrage.  Once the ward has been drawn, the summoner must placate the Pan-Zephyric Council with the sacrifice of no fewer than 30 burrowing creatures (it has been said that a single dwarf may be substituted for the burrowers, but the reasons for this are not known, surely redmen have more life energy and orangemen more vigor).  Once the sacrifice has been made and the blood has powered the ward, the summoner must recite the Golgorgonac Chant.  Then, and only then, will the ossifrage slowly climb out of the earth within the ward.  The summoner must lay a single drop of blood upon the body of the ossifrage, an action that it will resist (though at no time will it attack the summoner).  Once accomplished, the summoner has complete control over the ossifrage at the expense of the summoner's life force (Make a save vs. Petrification every round or lose 1hp, every 10th hp so lost is permanent).  At the end of the ritual, the summoner must drink eight times his normal daily allotment of water or perish of dehydration within a few minutes.  This is the only time the summoner may drink in the presence of the ossifrage.  Any other time will cause the ossifrage to immediately attack the summoner and return to the Molten Heath.  No summoner has ever kept an obisidan ossifrage bound for more than a week - Sarelen of Thule was the last to attempt it.  The ossifrage will accomplish any command to the best of its ability.

Obsidian Ossifrage
Armour Class 2, Hit Dice 4, Hit Points 16, Move 30’ (90’), # Attacks 1 bite or 1 kick, Damage 1d6 or tentacle hold for 1d4 heat damage and automatic bite for 1d6, Morale 9 (7 vs blunt weapons); Special: hold, breath weapon, turned as earth elemental of 5HD, 2x damage from blunt weapons

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Campaign Report 6b - 33 Frostfall 1173

I'm starting to wonder if perhaps I died when the 'Valiant' went down and this is some trickster God's version of heaven... clearly reserved only for those most charming and adventurous of gentlemen. For no sooner had my eyes closed last night as I found myself walking through some alien street in a place that I quickly learned was called Zhafillia. Immediately behind me were My Sexy Zimbabwean Wife, Adia and that smooth-eyed stalwart of a devotee, Rubro. I shared a glance with my apparently eternal companion, shrugged, and set about making sense of this place. The populace were of an exceedingly unusual sort, each with skin of a different colour, each as vibrant as the sun itself. One poor chap even had skin as translucent as the sky itself! Horrible.

The three of us (plus Genko, that intrepid Mule of Rubros), tailed a large and well armed group of these fantastically coloured natives. In a short time I managed to convince them that I had been a part of their mercenary contingent for quite some time. Indeed, such was the skill of my tongue that I had them all talking about how mightily a show we had put on in their last battle (allegedly against some 'Robot Bears'?). This display was enough to get us all something of a promotion, and a full share of any pillage. Easiest promotion a man could earn!

Sadly, it proved to be as big a curse as a boon, as we were now expected to venture into some ruins to help some gents who we presumed were the leaders if this little expedition. Undismayed, we walked for some time across an amazing, dual-mooned landscape. Truly no words could express the wonder I felt as I travelled. I wish I had taken more time to sketch, for soon we reached our destination: The lair of these so called 'Robot-Bears'. Ridiculous! We left the rabble outside. I was disconcerted by the way they ogled my Sexy Zimbabwean Wife, Adia, but the stories of my mighty deeds kept their greasy fingers away from her. The architecture of the place was wonderfully strange. The facility seemed to be put together with very little rhyme or reason... The doors themselves seemed sinister, closing behind us and resisting our efforts to open them. A horrible place, as I say.

First we came across a room filled with complicated machines - covered in buttons and panes of glass... My new companions made some attempt to describe to me their purpose and I made a good show of pretending to be interested. We moved on. The next room appeared to be a library, though  completely immolated - the ash from its remains sent several of my friends into awkward coughing fits. After some brief rummaging, I discovered a large symbol on the floor, apparently for demon summoning. HORRIBLE. Nearby by was a second symbol, this one a smaller circle with a name in it. Obviously I didnt note the name, for even knowing the name of someone involved in this chicanery is almost certainly to my detriment. We forced open a second door once all of lungs were clear. Into a uh... room filled with pipes. All through this room were pipes, presumably pumping the irdescent slime that was leaking from one. We investigated cautiously, soon discovering that this vileness was some kind of protoplasmic slime which dissolved almost everything it touched. Everything it seems, bar glass... May have to come back here to try to weaponise the stuff, not that I personally would  carry it, of course.

After some cunning and deliberation, I located and negotiated a deviously hidden secret door at the back of room... And what a great deed I had done, dear Journal! By the Three and the One that made them! This could be my greatest discovery yet! Literal piles of currency, stored in two, easy-to-carry chests! There must have more than 5000 pieces in there. Oh, Rubro, that smooth-skinned curiosity who I hesitantly call a friend of mine, was all mangled and horrible sickened by some sinister poison when he wonderfully punched one of those open... but he turned out fine, so it's ultimately inconsequential. FIVE THOUSAND COINS, JOURNAL!! Truly this Horrible multiverse is full of surprises. Oh so then we had to trick everyone outside into thinking the chests were full of snakes or something... I must admit I was somewhat distracted for this last part, for my mind was exploring the implications of this discovery. I think I killed a snake or three? Oh and there were some horrible clanking constructions, possibly clockwork or steampowered. Don't remember, don't care. Five thousand. I write this from lodgings easily as good as those back in Castle Manning. Brightly coloured servants  bring me fine and exotic dishes, to be washed down with spirits of wonderful complexity. Omnipotent Wrae has dealt me a kind hand this day. May Night fill the hearths of those who doubted me! 

Alas, Journal, I must leave you presently! My Sexy Wife Adia has a look of great jealousy and appears  acquiescent of other pursuits this evening...
Postscript: Forgive my poor grammar, Journal! This Mulled Wine has gone to both my head and my pen, it seems...

Campaign Report #6a - 33 Frostfall 1173

From our game on March 1. By the fantastic Jason Biggins 

[Several pages of the following journal were discovered among the possessions of a local patrician (a Red-man adventurer who had lead a rebellion to overthrow the previous manor lord, who had enslaved the local populace for several generations) whose unquenchable search for knowledge was were rumors surrounding darker interests, including sorcery and sado-masochism. The fact that he was beheaded and his body burned to ash in front of hundreds of witnesses is beyond dispute. Later reports of someone fitting his exact description being seen months later and a thousand miles away, remain to be verified...] It may seem overly indulgent, but I must confess to enjoying this new-found taste of wealth we have experienced of late. Our "benefactor" has been quite generous with his coin and it has been a bit of a game finding new experiences amongst these lesser environs. And yet...many fine things can be found down the seedy alleys of this wilderness outpost. 

{Note to self: update "journal of biological studies" entries on my efforts to experience every color of female on this Gods-forsaken rock. Of particular interest are the Jale & Blue varieties...with no slight to the Orange twin acrobats of the "Dreaming Goddess" performance troupe -- Hella & Shella truly set a new standard!} Of the rumors we were able to find out while exploring hedonistic delights:

 * A small Green-man (with large glasses), one Otto Aggenbaucher, herpetologist (and general gadfly), wandered to the gate of the keep one day. After causing a rather inexplicable ruckus with members of the Guard, he was allowed entry and we made his acquaintance. Without any prompting he confided in us of his plans to lead an expedition to find Thunder Lions on the southern plains. {While making no commitments, my companion and I did file this away as a future venture bearing investigation.} 

* More talk of the fabled amethyst throne in the lost dwarven citadel of Thrumi Zud. {At this point I should note I have never put much stock in these rumors (let alone that the equally legendary "Chained Ghoul" also feverishly seeks an entrance); however that may have been changed by what happened next...} 

Advisor to the keep's high priest, Krutus Schneps, a Bone-man of indeterminable age & power, Oxnard, made it clear who the true power was within these walls. An "invitation" was made to an audience with the advisor -- a meeting which (apparently) never took place since the entirety of the inner keep was completely emptied to ensure total privacy (and deniability). 

A peek behind the purpose of our previous errand is revealed: Schneps has indeed found an entrance to Thrumi Zud, but the way is blocked. Therefore, a ritual is to be preformed to summon and bind a demon, forcing him open the way, but sacrificing the Orange-men we captured in the bargain. The demon, "Ashgorat", however, will be set loose because of Schneps' lack of ability. In addition to the Orange-men, a map of some sort and a third, unspecified object, are needed for the ritual. Equally important are a dagger consecrated on the lesser moon, a chalice, and a crystal. 

Oxnard proposes that we, as newly-trusted outsiders, disrupt the ritual -- with intention or using a manufactured "accident". According to the mysterious sorcerer, failure to prevent this ritual will mean devastation and demonic enslavement on a massive scale. His proposal is sweetened by offering himself and the keep's bailiff (Umvelt Morne) as "training mentors", helping myself and Brandon to further our abilities. In addition, twenty able-bodied guards are made of use as mercenaries troops for whatever manner plans we concoct to his desired end. 

One of the many unexpected burdens of wealth is storing and managing the monies itself. To this end, Brandon and I enlisted the services of the banker with the highest reputation (in such a backwater as this), one Chulin Tomith (Yellow-man). Tomith was able to put us in touch with Juju Bees (Dolm-man) as a provider of necessary equipment. In addition, we made the acquaintance of a provisioner (always important when one takes on the task of feeding 20+ fighting men); as well as Greel the Elder (Blue-man), a "hard-to-find stuff" guy {in less social circles he would be called a "fencer of pilfered goods".} 

 Brandon and I were able to cover much ground inside the keep during our extended stay. In comparing notes we have located: 

* Schmael (Black-man), silversmith who has been pressed (very unhappily) into service as a blacksmith when needed. {Possibly of some use should we elect to visit Sitherath.}

* Suckling Ruth Rest (Black-man), Captain of the Watch (inner keep). {Bares further research for the purposes of "friendly persuasion"} 

* Umvelt Morne, Bailiff of the Keep. {Considered by many as the greatest man-at-arms for many, many leagues. Possibly in league with Oxnard to some extent...potential leader of a coup should the time come?} 

As the summoning ritual is not to occur for another two weeks and Schneps was with a group of his acolytes outside the keep, it was decided to make use of this time to venture back to the valley of the "Trickster God worshippers". Our thinking being that we could hold our mercenaries just outside the valley, gauge the reception we receive from Tagg et. al., then, well, "play it by ear". Just past the silver mines (of the keep), we see a jet black owl with glowing blue eyes. {a Night Owl, known to often serve as a wizard's familiar} Truly a unique sight given that they our nocturnal dwellers, yet this encounter occurred in broad daylight. With some quick thinking Zentanos puts it to sleep and we secure it with a well-made cage of local materials. {Given several weeks of research & a few hundred silver, I could configure the proper techniques to make it my familiar...though should I become a student of the Bone-man, this may be done quicker and cheaper...even more motivation toward his plans.} 

Our luck, however, never seem to hold for long. Thus during the night, a pack of three large "bear-like creatures" are heard stalking nearby. They have "shiny metal arms". Brandon takes the mercenaries out, setting spears and holding for a charge. With the loss of only a single soldier we were able to overcome the creatures. Zentanos and I proceed to dissect the animals of their machine parts for later resale back at the keep. The unusual nature of the attack leads us to believe we have accidentally wandered into their territory; therefore, we discussed making a detour from the valley and tracking the path back to the lair of these frightful beasts. Brandon is easily able to follow the signs and we arrive at the entrance to their cave in the early morning next day. Our "army" refuses to follow us in, so it is decided we will chase anything we find inside out into their waiting swords. 

Carefully mapping out the insides we find things are not as they appear from the outside. Machinery and man-made walls hint at greater knowledge laying about this place. After finding a room full of such equipment we discover a room filled with equal horrors. Among the victims within the bears' "kitchen" we find some recoverable items we are able to equip our trusted henchmen, much to their eternal joy. The final room we find what appeared to contain a ceiling full of those devil-bat things we had previously encountered in one of the valley caves (along with those damnable bear-things!). We opted to fight another day, sealed them up, and leave promptly. The map back to the lair and it's inside being of some potential worth to those seeking greater knowledge. Not wishing to press on (or press our luck), we return to the keep for rest and resupply. Discussion of plans to further the various plots we find ourselves enmeshed end seem necessary. Upon our return it is only slightly surprising how quickly I fall into new habits: nights of heavy drinking and carnal indulgence. Truly I am not meant to be far from "civilization". My sleep is now filled with notions of just what I might learn from our inscrutable host...and if I will be willing to pay the price required for such knowledge. 

"From the Private Journals of Khao Cyztlic, Neeltag, 14 Morning Star 1174, within the walls of the Lotus Dream Inn ('Fat' Balto, proprietor), Castellan's Keep"

Campaign Report #5 - 30 Frostfall 1173

Dramatis Personae
Jason Biggins  Khao Cyztlic  Dolm M-U
Todd Mitchell  Marlin Densburg Ftr

Encountering a herd of poison cows called Anthraxes, they subdue them.  Arriving at the caves to a party, Khao, marlin and their henchmen hatch a plan to separate out followers of the trickster gods from the rest.  After mingling with the red- and orangemen and meeting Udar Croon, a fantastic artist, among others.  Their plan involves framing TAG, the overchief for their disappearances.

One wooded glade and a sleep spell later, 9 victims are trussed up and placed in a cart, ready to deliver to Krutus Schnepps.  Right before the party is to take off, they are attacked by the walking dead.  Without armor and low on magic, they fight a hard won battle and successfully deliver the victims to Schnepps.

At the party, the mage was given a new spell and Marlin was given 3 healing potions that work by being splashed on the perpetrator of the wound, not on the wound itself.

Krutus gives them 1200sp and invites them to a ceremony a fortnight hence on 10 Sundusk 1173: .

Campaign Report #4 - 26 Frostfall 1173

Dramatis Personae:
Mandy     Jacobin     Dolm Fighter 
Rick         Jan          Orange M-U
Brent       Flacidicus Brown Fighter
Natalie     Toshia     Bone M-U
Ag           Mo          Dolm Figher

Henchmen and Hirelings

Quickly gathering their supplies, our party returns to the caves to finish clearing out the den of the Crazy Old Cyborg, which task they accomplish with elan.  Only a few fire beetles remained within and these were quickly dispatched.

Further investigations revealed a secret door that upon opening revealed the bed chamber of the leader of the ulfiremen tribe.  Jan the Virulent, thinking quickly, charms the leader who instantly (and possibly permanently) befriends the party.

Over the objections of his suspicious wife, the leader assigns three of his best men to accompany the party across the valley to invade the lair of the despised mongrelmen.

The attack is so sudden and so fierce that the mongrelmen have no time to ready a coherent response.  The slaughter continues unabated until the last one dies.

Inspecting the Chief's room leads to the discovery of a secret door.  In the hallway beyond is the decayed skeleton of a human, trapped and starved to death.

Mongrelmen: 30cp, 122sp 8bp
Chief: 2 armbands 50sp ea.
Wives: 2 necklaces 39sp ea.

Dead Adventurer: 12 garnets 50sp ea.
900 sp 36cp 8 bp

Campaign Report #3 - 23 Frostfall 1173

23 Frostfall 1173

Dramatis Personae
Rod Anderson: Morlock Bloodblade: f1
Richard Guy: Skree the Bonewoman: f3
Jason Biggins: Khao Cyztlic: m1
Eeri: Radomir: f1

Henchemen and Hirelings
Brownmen from the CAVES:

Umlaut: F1
Zentatos: M1

Shieldbearer: Toribio
Torchbearer: Jello

On a mission from TAG, the Chief of the combined Redman and Orangeman tribes, our adventurers venture forth to slay the crazy old cyborg who lives in the cave a few hundred yards to the west.

Before they can enter they are attacked by a green and dolm colored shew of unusual size, driven mad by hunger

At the entrance they were confronted with a devious mutation trap that leaves one of them covered in thorns and the other with outwardly closing hands before they are able to overcome the trap (A mutation ray attached to a sensor) with a blanket.

Just inside, they are confronted by half-mechanical bats (called Stirges) and servitor robots simultaneously.  The party dispatches both quite handily and they gain 500sp worth of parts.

Once in the cave proper, the walls change from natural stone to polished metal.  Confronted by both a laser trap and a crystal circuit man, the party uses the trap to obliterate the automaton.

Some radiation confuses the sense, so the party is unsure where the power room they find is, but they decide to leave the grey and green power tubes, the central core, the control panel and the irising door alone and return with their booty.

On the way back they are ambushed by 6 cyborg bears who tear two brownman hirelings to pieces.  the party quickly escapes and the bears do not pursue into the open.

Campaign Report #2 - 10 Frostfall 1173

Dramatis Personae:
Jan the Virulent (Medium)
Jacobin the Veteran
Bob the Red Shirted Veteran
Mo the Veteran

Philpot (F1)
Trub (F1)
Wub (F1)

Krago the Dwarven Veteran

8 Frostfall 1173; Wodindai
On the way back to the caves after reprovisioning the party meets the elf Egobah who asks about the owlbear who killed his elf companion.  He has offered gold in return for information.

With clever trickery the Vacillitators constructed a trap and smoked out the owl bear, who impaled itself on upon the waiting spears of their minions.

Before they could relax from a successful hunt, the ferocious Mad Cyborg attacked from behind, cleaving the Dwarf KRAGO in twain with a ruby laser axe.

Under the combined efforts of the 4 companions and their henchmen, the mad cyborg fell gifting the party with the axe.

Investigation of the Mad Cyborg's cave resulted in ferocious combat with a Siphon of Stirges and the discovery of a secret cave containing the accumulated treasure of the Mad Cyborg:
Much silver, three pieces of fine jewelery, a magical suit of mail, a staff of healing and three potions.

With the death of the owlbear, the beaked menace of the CAVES, the Elf Egobah will return to investigate regarding some object held by a dead companion.

It is known that at least one pack of Dire Wolves inhabit the forest nearby.

Campaign Report #1 - 8 Frostfall 1173

Dramatis Personae:
Jan the Virulent (Medium)
Jacobin the Veteran
Bob the Red Shirted Veteran
Mo the Veteran

Philpot (F1)
Trub (F1)
Wub (F1)

Krago the Dwarven Veteran

8 Frostfall 1173; Wodindai
After a long Journey a motley group of Adventurers arrive at the KEEP ON THE BORDERLANDS.  Deciding along the way towards the KEEP to work together, they spend a couple of days at the KEEP equipping themselves and hiring much needed help to further their goals.

With limited funds, the party sets off for a two day expedition to the CAVES OF CHAOS.

Within the CAVES, they befriended a tribe of scaled men, or brownmen.  The brownmen, while barbaric, showed no sign of the stupidity and listlessness usually attributed to such.

In return for a golden necklace of great value, the Party undertook to slay the scourge of the CAVES, the Mighty Ogre.  The Ogre was defeated in a blaze of trickery and fire, but shortly afterwards, Ogre's sometime allies, a tribe of redmen surged to the attack!

The redmen were routed unconditionally, their swords and patchwork armor proving largely ineffective against the combined might the brownmen and the Party.  Ten redmen were slain in the initial battle, with only 2 brownman losses.

A quick search of Ogre's cave revealed a secret passage hidden behind a pile of offal.  The passage lead into the territory of the redmen tribe.  As well, under Ogre's bed was a stash of coins and some implements imbued with magic!  Not having time for accounting, the Party pressed on, using the secret passage way and the main entrance to the redmen lair to hammer and anvil a further Six redmen into the violent embrace of Krush-Moog, their foul God.

The Party has retreated back to their base camp an hour from the CAVES to plan a renewed assault upon the redmen and to count their spoils.

(Totals: 339s.p., 287b.p., 485c.p.) 

Total Value in s.p.: 391s.p., 9b.p., 1c.p. = 391.95sp

A flask of Melonian Brandy worth 80s.p. were it to be taken to an inn or tavern.
1 Golden Necklace (Krago says that he should be able to sell it for 1200s.p.!)
6 magical arrows
1 potion bottle filled with wispy green smoke. (the contents of which turn the sniffer slightly transparent, who knows what will happen if the whole thing is inhaled!)
A bone scroll case, capable of holding 10 scrolls.  It currently contains two scrolls: 1. Markin's Marvelous Restorative (see: Cure Light Wounds) 2. The Ethereal Bindings of Korm (see: Hold Person)

XP Total: 1672 (392 + 1200 + 80)

1 Share (4 total shares):

1/2 Shares (2 total shares):

Each Share:           279xp
Each 1/2 Share:       140xp
+10% Bonus Share:     307xp
+10% Bonus 1/2 Share: 154xp